Monday 7 January 2013

Dear heart...(update)

Happy 2013! New year, new home, new beginnings...I can finally say I'm truly happy with things in my life at the moment. It's been quite a journey over the last year or so (since I've updated). I eventually made the decision to move (solo) to London, leaving behind all the good things I know about my Melbourne life. My family, friends, career. But I'm not regretting it one bit.

It's been five months since I've moved to London. The most testing time was in the initial two days here. I was homesick and could not open an email w/out tears streaming down my cheeks thinking that "this was a mistake!" But then day 3 gave me perspective: I moved here to see Europe! To work and see the world, to eat and live new experiences.

My first position started immediately after I arrived - at a hospital in Greater London. I've made friends there that I simply adore, and could not imagine a life without them. It goes to show the environment where we work defines our performances. Working there will always be a special 4.5 months of my life. No matter how hard things may seem, we underestimate our resilience as health care professionals.

My move here to London has allowed me to live independently and travel. So far I've been to Dublin, Paris, Germany - Koln, Berlin, Baden Baden, Turbingen and Amsterdam and also snippets of London. I've been able to finally see the amazing Lion King musical in which I've waited for years since I missed my opportunity back in Melbourne.

I'm starting a new planning role in a few days, and finally have a home in London.

Personally, I've lost 10kg in the last 5 months - a personal achievement for someone who has such a passion for food (esp. the sweet life!). I feel great and cannot wait to make better choices for myself (and continue exercising). I still have a fiery passion to follow my pastissiere dream.

My heart smiles...I have met an amazing someone who makes me smile all day - and I cannot wait to share all the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead with him. So all in all, I am so happy with my life (even though I do miss home every now and then - especially the "Wonderful Wednesday" dinners!).

Keep posted!

A x

Friday 7 October 2011

lost in thought

Listening to rainfall outside my window is one of my favourite pastimes, allowing one to wash away woes of times gone by. I've reached a fork in the road, having to choose between stability or to follow my passion. Some say let's 'have cake and eat it too' but I'm equally torn. With that to consider, each avenue provides a learning basis, to develop and to grow. When does it become perfectly ok to follow one's heart? Things are never easy on either side of the fence, yet to fence sit is to watch opportunities fly by. I'm feeling lost...

Sunday 28 August 2011

Dear heart

It's time for new memories. Forget the old and embrace the new...

Thursday 18 August 2011

My macaron love affair

There's no doubt about it, I am in love with these delicate, lovely yet complex French macarons. There are so many colours and flavours that indulge taste buds. They definitely make or break anyone who attempts to re-create this French dessert. Whether baking or purchasing these delicacies at a Patisserie, I always enjoy them. My ultimate Macaron dreams are to visit the Laduree, and Zumbo in Sydney (the latter scheduled next month). 

I've read many blogs and recipes along the Macaron way, and I'd have to say there are recurring themes, many disappointments more than successes. But to my fellow bakers and food lovers, do not despair. It does take practice; proof from a home cook/baker/experimenter. I'd love to do Patisserie one day, but for now I'd like to try many flavours such as choc mint, salted caramel, violet and berry, simple vanilla, mango, blood orange...yet the list goes on. The tant-pour-tant (TPT) is critical as the measurements of the ingredients. Then the 'macronage' consistency of the mixture pre-determines whether the Macarons will form 'happy' feet and take on that pillowy yet light consistency of the meringue. But let's not forget the filling. My favourite must be dark chocolate ganache! I have found that fruit filled macarons tend to be more softer and need to be consumed more quickly (but I doubt there'd be many left). 

Many have said that the flavour of the Macarons best develop at least 24 hours after they are made and refrigerated - I honestly agree with this statement. I myself have also found that resting the batter after the rounds are piped, increases the success of feet formation. I guess there are many secrets I have to learn along the Macaron way, and I must say I'm having fun no matter the outcome. 

Thursday 24 March 2011

My 'odd sock syndrome'

Lately I've been feeling a little like the 'odd sock syndrome'. Whether it exists or not, possibly a manifestation of my own thoughts?! Let me explain. Sorting through my socks, I noticed I have more than 2 handfuls of odd socks. Now I can't explain where the other sock of the odd sock pair has disappeared to - and made me wonder: what happens if I'm like the odd sock pair? That I'll travel through life not finding the other odd sock to my odd sock pair. So happens that it once existed in one form or another since there were two socks to begin with, but now there was just one lonely sock.

Maybe there are some socks made that were meant to be odd socks, without pairs that drift. Strange that the odd sock syndrome is my analogy of when girl meets boy; but for now I think it works. I'm still finding my odd sock to complete the pair - if that makes any sense :)

Friday 11 March 2011

Spring harvest shadow box

Introducing Odd Hearts Club!

Welcome to the Odd Hearts Club! This blog has been a working progress over the last few years, and finally I'm launching it. Hopefully everyone who visits this blog of mine will find something they truly love. I've been inspired by many things through soul searching and experiences that have lead me to share them. My main passions include arts and crafts, photography, music, literature, textiles and food!

I adore vintage aesthetics...not only because of its stylishness, but because every piece has its own story...It's not playing by rules of social conformity, yet by what brings true happiness :) I believe everyone has a unique aesthetic that colour our existence; connecting us. Here, I will share my inspirations and projects. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you too will find your passion no matter where the path leads...make your journey memorable :)